
Saturday 20 April 2013

Recipe - Steamed beef with preserved vegetable

Tired of being sick for the past 1 week. I've decide to cook healthier dish tonight. I've had this recipe book of "steaming" by not too sure who the author is since I cant read chinese.

Since this is 1st try, I gave disclaimer to my family before start cooking... "if its turn out bad, it won't be my fault since I follow recipe."

Very easy to prepare. Taste wise ok.. sweet & sour with sesame oil fragrance. Definitely not as nice as prawn paste fried chicken, just that it definitely healthier. Time to prepare & cook: less than 20 minutes.

300g sliced beef and 1 small piece preserved vegetable (szechuan vegetable)
Light soy sauce
Corn starch
Sesame oil

1. Cut preserved vegetable into thin slice and wash. Marinade with 1tsp sugar and 1tsp sesame oil.
2. Wash beef and drain. Marinade witg 2 tsps light soy sauce, 1tsp corn starch and 1/2 tsp sugar.  After 5 min, add 1 tbsp water and wait for another 5 min.
3. Place preserved vegetable and beef alternately on dish.
4. Place dish on steam rack when water boiled.  Cook over high heat for 5 min. Ready to serve.

Tips: soak preserved vegetable for at least 10 minutes to remove saltiness.

Ps: sorry for posting picturw not in sequence. 1st time uploading via smart phone.

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