
Friday 7 September 2012

Recipe - Fried Chicken Satay

My 1st try from Indonesian Recipe book ("Seri Masak Femina - Makanan Kesukaan Anak").... ended up become one of the dish in my boys' weekly request!

Verdict: 5/5 stars
              Simple, budget & taste like KFC popcorn chicken

1. Chicken fillet (around 400g - 500g)
2. Garlic (2 cloves), minced it
3. 1 tsp of white pepper
4. 1/2 tsp of salt
5. 1 tbsp of oyster sauce
6. Satay Stick
7. Vegetable oil for frying
8. 1 egg, stir with 1/2 tsp of salt
9. 50g plain flour
10. 50g bread flour

1. Cut Chicken fillet into smaller pieces. Marinate with garlic, white pepper, salt and oyster sauce for around 30 minutes or more.


2. Soaked the satay stick into clean water for around 30 minutes as well.
3. 30 minutes later..... put around 3-4 pieces of marinated chicken fillet into each satay stick.
4. Place in this order: plain flour, egg stiry with salt & bread flour.
    Roll the chicken satay into plain flour, then covered with egg & lastly bread flour. Repeat the steps
    for each stick.
5. Heat vegetable oil & deep fry on medium fire.
6. Serve chicken satay together with chilli sauce or tomato ketchup. Enjoy!

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