
Sunday 12 August 2012

Magazine - Tips for 1st time Mommy

Oh dear, I am pregnant!

That's the first sentence I said when I saw 2 lines from pregnancy test kit. Next action, call my hubby to announce the news. Though he went through more rounds that other guy, his reaction never change. His first sentence would be: " Sure or not, how many times did you test?"
I went through planned & no plan pregnancy, but the feeling of knowing that you are pregnant still the same. Only 1 word can express it: JOY!!
I've had experience same symptoms, maybe that's why mine all boys :)
I woke up with feeling nausea & had little bit of funny feeling in stomach. Less than 3 hours, I experienced mild gastric pain, followed by no appetite (even my fav Purvis Street Beef Noodle can't bring up my appetite).
Next, I realised that my menses is overdue for 2 days or more. I panickly ran through watson or guardian pharmacy to buy pregnancy test kit & test it in nearby toilet. Result: POSITIVE!! (2 lines = positive)

For 1st time Mommy

Being the first time, we will ask ourselves lots of question.
  • Do we need to see gynae immediately
  • Which gynae will be good
  • How do we ensure that baby is okay
  • What food / medicine to avoid
  • ............. & lots lots more
Let me share what I did when I knew about my preggie.
  1. Stop wearing high heel & do not take any over the counter medication. No slimming tea, please!
  2. Buy pregnancy milk. I prefer Annum Chocolate, better taste.
  3. Select hospital (I selected the one near my home). Some gynae only go to certain hospital.
  4. Ask your friend/relative which gynae is good. Get a list from few of them.
  5. Decide whether you want male or female gynae. I preferred female but if this doesn't bother you then will be easier.
  6. Call gynae to check which hospital they go & make appointment to see them ASAP. Some of my friend said wait for 2 - 3 months. This is NO NO, as we need to ensure baby heartbeat is there & get some pregnancy vitamin from gynae to help in baby development.
Food to avoid: all kinds of raw foods (no sashimi, oyster, or even half boiled eggs), alcohol.
Food to eat more: Ikan billis, Spinach, Cooked egg, Fish (sardines, salmon, tuna), Milk, Yogurt, Brocolli, Fruits, Soya Bean.
The safest medicine to take:
Flu: go see doctor, they will give you very mild flu tablet. Remember to blow out the mucus, or else you may have very bad toothache like me huhuhu.... Can use vicks inhaler to open up the blocked nose, but not too many days. I also use humidifier.
Fever / Pain: Panadol. Only take the original panadol (round tablet), NO NO to panadol flu or panadol extra.
Cough: Tussidex Forte Linctus. Get some lozenges from Doctor. Do not take over the counter lozenges include Strepsils.
It may takes us more than 2 weeks to recover from illness since we dont have much antibody now. Please be patient and ensure no alcohol in any of our medication.

My 3rd prince's journey to the world

My little boy, Noel Terius born on 6th October 2010.

Some strange things happen to us

During pregnancy, we may experience some of things that never happen to us before. Just relax as all these are normal symptoms.
1. Giddy / Faint (Seeing all white)
Usually caused by lack of iron. Get some iron tablet from gynae & eat more ikan billis spinach soup / sardines.
2. Breatheless
Usually start from second semester.
3. Effective nose, can smell anything from far
We may smell something that other people cant smell it & usually it smells bad.
4. Constipation & Thirsty
Drink more water & eat more fruit. Forgot to tell you, eating lots of durian can lead to huge increase in your weight & baby's weight. I have craving for durian during all my pregnancies.
5. Dry Skin
Apply vaseline gel.
6. Itchy / Rashes
See your gynae. I was prescribed with neoderm. Can only apply sparingly.
7. Swollen feet / hand.
Due to water retention. Reduce salt intake, drink more water (yes, must drink more water), & bring your leg up by using few pillows during sleep. Try to lie down more often.
8. Nice hair but lots of pigmentation on face
This is due to hormone changes in our body.

Some good applications for iPhone

There are lots of applications that we can download for iPhone. I selected these 3 based on my preferences.
  • BabyBump Pregnancy - I downloaded this. It was great apps as it shows us baby development daily, approx baby weight & which week are we in etc. Thumbs Up!
  • Pregnancy App - I deleted this from my apps as don't find it very useful.
  • Sprout Pregnancy Essential - Just developed, never try. But they have 3D baby picture, contraction & kick off timer. Good to try.

When will we know the gender?

Starting from 12 weeks, most of gynae will be able to predict baby gender. For more accurate prediction, it usually happen around 16 weeks.

I forgot to save my ultrasound picture, but my friend, Pek Suan sent me recent photo of her baby. Confirmed Boy, there's the proof...... Thanks Pek.

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