
Friday 7 September 2012

Coca Steamboat in International Building

Usually we will go to my in law house for sunday lunch. But since recently she has problem in standing too long due to her weak leg, we decided to bring her out for lunch. So we decided to come to Coca for Steamboat buffet.

Their fish glue, fortune fish ball and house special shrimp all are one of their so many good & fresh varieties. Plus I felt that their chilli is the best.

Lunch cost $23++ for adult, while children and senior citizen at S$17++. Same price for weekday or weekend.

If I remembered correctly, they have October weekday lunch promotion for 2 pax at S$30++.

Recipe - Assam Fish

1. Ready made Assam Fish Sauce from Spices of the Orient
2. 1 whole fish... I used Seabass here
3. Lady Fingers
4. Tomato
5. Big Onion
6. 2 stalk of Lemon Grass

1. Mix the ready made sauce with water & lemongrass. Followed instructions on the packet.
2. When boiling, place the whole fish in it. Cook with slow to medium fire.
3. Put lady fingers, tomato & Onion in it.
4. Slowly cook for around 15 - 20 minutes.
5. Serve.

Recipe - Chap Chye

1. All types of Vegetables: Chay Sim, Tomato, Brocolli, Chinese Lettuce, Cabbage, carrot, any type of mushroom etc
2. Ginger, thin slice
3. 1-2 cloves of garlic
4. Minced chicken or chicken fillet
5,. 100ml chicken stock, mix with 1 tbsp of oyster sauce, 1 tbsp of ang ciu, 1 tsp of dark soya sauce & 1 tsp of sweet soya sauce.

1. Boil water. Add brocolli and carrot. Boil till half soft.
2. Heat the oil in the wok. Stir fry Ginger and Garlic till fragrant. Add the chicken fillet or minced chicken.
3. Pour in the hard vegetable first like Cabbage, followed by Chinese Lettuce or Wong Bok, Carrot & Brocolli, Tomato & Chay Sim.
4. Add in all the sauces.
5. Serve while it hot.

Recipe - Crabmeat with Corn & Asparagus Soup

1. Chicken Bone
2. Chicken Fillet -- shred thinly
3. Canned Cream Corn - 1 can
4. Canned Fresh Kernel Corn - 1/2 to 1 can
5. Shredded Crab meat
6. 2 tsp corn flour mixed with 3 tbsp cold water
7. 1-2 eggs, stir

1. Boil around 4 bowl of waters or 800 - 1000ml of water. When boiling, place the chicken bone in it.

2. Remove the chicken stock residue. You can remove the chicken bone from the pot.

3. Place all the ingredients in the boiling chicken stock, except the corn starch and eggs.
4. Slowly pour the corn starch & stir. Then slowly pour the eggs & stir to disolve.

5. Enjoy it while hot with 1/2 tsp of chinese black vinegar & some pepper. If you like Chinese Parsley, add a little bit on top.

Recipe - Steamed Live Flower Crab

The easiest among all & enjoyable by crab lovers.

1. Live Flower Crab.. Wont be so tasty for died crab.
2. Chinese Parsley - 1 stalk
3. 2 cloves of Garlic
4. 1/2 tsp of Salt
5. A dash of MSG (Optional)

1. Use normal cooking wok, place the live crab in it or those that just died in <30 minutes together with all other ingredients. Covered the wok. No need to place any water.
2. When burnt smell out of the wok, wait for 45 seconds to 1 minute then off the fire.
3. Served!

Recipe - Simple Fried Noodle

1. Dried Egg Noodle or any noodle of your preferred choice
2. 4 tbsp of vegetable oil, miz with 1-2 tsp of sesame oil
3. 5 - 6 cloves of minced garlic
4. Chicken fillet
5. Chicken Sausage/Frank
6. Prawn
7. Beansprout, Chay Sim or any vegetable of your choice
8. 4 eggs, stir
9. Sauce (mix together) --
     3 tbsp of salted soya sauce
     2 tbsp of oyster sauce
     3 tbsp of sweet soya sauce
     100ml of chicken stock
     Optional: 2 tbsp of red wine (ang ciu), pepper

1. Boil water & pour into dried egg noodle. Bring out the noodle when it soft
2. Heat a little bit of oil & fry the egg
3. Heat the oil in the wok, stir fry the garlic till fragrant. Pour in the chicken fillet, chicken frank, prawn into the wok. Pour in the sauce, stir fry for 30 seconds and add in the noodle & egg. Lastly add the vegetables & stir till the colour evenly spread.
4. Serve!

Verdict: 4/5 stars.

Recipe - Fried Chicken Satay

My 1st try from Indonesian Recipe book ("Seri Masak Femina - Makanan Kesukaan Anak").... ended up become one of the dish in my boys' weekly request!

Verdict: 5/5 stars
              Simple, budget & taste like KFC popcorn chicken

1. Chicken fillet (around 400g - 500g)
2. Garlic (2 cloves), minced it
3. 1 tsp of white pepper
4. 1/2 tsp of salt
5. 1 tbsp of oyster sauce
6. Satay Stick
7. Vegetable oil for frying
8. 1 egg, stir with 1/2 tsp of salt
9. 50g plain flour
10. 50g bread flour

1. Cut Chicken fillet into smaller pieces. Marinate with garlic, white pepper, salt and oyster sauce for around 30 minutes or more.


2. Soaked the satay stick into clean water for around 30 minutes as well.
3. 30 minutes later..... put around 3-4 pieces of marinated chicken fillet into each satay stick.
4. Place in this order: plain flour, egg stiry with salt & bread flour.
    Roll the chicken satay into plain flour, then covered with egg & lastly bread flour. Repeat the steps
    for each stick.
5. Heat vegetable oil & deep fry on medium fire.
6. Serve chicken satay together with chilli sauce or tomato ketchup. Enjoy!

Sunday 26 August 2012

Recipe - Tofu and Pacific Clams

My 2nd try from "Tofu Tofu" Joy of Cooking recipe book.

This recipe is good and very healthy with many choices in 1 plate. I have my greens, hubby has his clams, boys have tofu and crab stick. Great choice!

This Recipe book worth to buy!! They have many other series like vegetables, asian cuisines etc. I will search for the other series in future.

Verdict: 4/5 stars.
Future improvements: As I use Maggi Chicken Stock, I will take note for not adding too much soy sauce in future.

1. Egg Tofu
2. Green Vegetable -- Baby Bok Choy, Baby Chye Shim or Shanghai Greens. I used Shanghai Greens in my 1st try.
3. Dried Shitake Mushroom
4. Pacific Clams
5. Crabsticks
6. 2pcs Garlic
7. Seasonings: Oyster Sauce, 1 cup of chicken stock and some light soy sauce

1. Cut Tofu into small pieces and fried it. Remove and place it on serving plate (above green vegetables). My green vegetables still in boiling stage, thus I served it on empty plate here.

2. Blanch the green vegetables with boiling water. Remove & place it on serving plate.

3. Soak Mushrooms till softened. Cut Pacific Clams into 1/2 and crab sticks into 4 pcs per stick.
4. Heat the wok, pour 2 tablespoons of oil. Fry Garlic till fragrant, add mushrooms, pacific clams and crab sticks. Stir fry. Pour in Seasonings.


5. When the gravy has thickened, pour over the tofu and vegetable. Serve.

Recipe - Braised Spring Onion & Tofu

Looking for easy to cook, nice to eat, healthy & cheap meal seems to be tough job in Singapore. I have 2 growing up boys who have totally different preference when come to food. Young ones like seafood & meat while older one prefers egg, sausages. Luckily, they both LOVE Tofu!

I came upon this S$2.90 recipe book in ShopNSave Supermarket & guess what... It's a recipe with tofu ingredients called as "Tofu Tofu" from Joy of Cooking - Tang Phaik Cheng.

The recipe looks simple & easy to cook.

This is my first try: Braised Spring Onion & Tofu. I twick the recipe a little bit here & there since I can only find different type of tofu & using whatever ingredients I have at home.

Verdict: 2/5 stars.
Future improvements: Less salt & dark soya sauce.

1. Tofu
2. Dried Shrimps
3. Spring Onion
4. Big Red Chillies
5. Seasonings: Wine, Dark Soy Sauce, Pepper, Salt & Water


1. Heat the oil in wok & fry tofu till golden brown. Remove tofu from the wok. Soaked Dried Shrimp in hot water till softened.

2. Remove some of the oil from the wok, leave for about 2 tablespoons oil. Add Spring Onion & Dried Shrimp and fry till fragrant.

3. Stir in tofu and seasonings.

4. Add chillies and cook for about 1-2 minutes. Serve.

Recipe - Clear Radish and beef soup

My first try cooking this clear soup with beef instead of usual pork ribs. My family usually hate beef stock soup base due to strong smell. This time I bought quality Australia Beef from Supermarket (not the pasar type).
Outcome..... Very Very appetizing & totally zero beef smell!! A must to try!!

1. White Radish
2. Carrot
3. Dried Cuttlefish
4. Beef (I used Shin Beef - i.e. with lots of tendon) -- Can replace with Pork/Pork Ribs
5. Dried Scallop (Optional)

1. Place around 1000ml water into pot & boil.
2. Once boling, throw all the ingredients into the pot. I always use pressure cooker for cooking soup. Thus, I will boil for another 30 minutes on low fire before transferring it into the Pressure cooker.

3. 5-6 hours later..... All ready to be serve. You can also dash a little bit of white pepper into the soup.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Foodies - I just love eating Crab

You can ask any Singaporeans of what kind of food is the best in Singapore when you are entertaining foreign guest. Most of the people will be saying Chilli Crab. Singapore has few nice places for Chilli Crab such as No Signboard, Jumbo, The little Red House which I personally prefer Jumbo's Chilli Crab.

Another famous type of crab cooking method will be Black Pepper Crab. I've love Eng Seng Coffee Shop's Black Pepper Crab the most (location: Joo chiat). Unfortunately the place is too dirty with 1 star service which isn't suitable to bring any guest there. Usually I will call & pick up my crabs during my way back. Minimum purchase 2 crabs. I don't think they use Srilanka Crab, it looks more like Indonesia Crab to me. 

Next type of Crab which is my favorite will be Butter Crab. I have yet to try others, but I don't think I will intend to do so since I love love much of Seafood Paradise Butter Crab & has to be in Defu lane outlet only. It is so creamy & fragrant with the additional of curry leaves. I love to dip my steam mantou into the sauce. Forget about High in Fat and High in Cholesterol. This is time to savour my appetite. 

                                                           Before we tuck in:

                                           After we ended our crab "Makan" session:

I will take some of my favorite Chilli & Black Pepper Crab picture to show you guys next time! See you.

Magazine - Teacher's day Gift Ideas

In many countries, teacher's days are regarded as special days for lots of people especially pupil and their parents to show appreciation to teacher. Teacher's day differ from country to country.

Singapore will be celebrating Teacher's day on 7th September 2012, Friday. Our normal practice after many years will be buying some flask or mug to each teacher. This year, we are going to search for other more meaningful and useful stuff.

I've happened to view these teacher's day stuff in Isetan today.
                         Mugs and Bowls of Disney cartoon character at S$3.90 each.

                              Bread Sponge Note Pad or Sandwich Towel at S$3.90 ea.

                                              Colourful Paper Clips at S$3.90 per box.

                                            Lots of cute variety at only S$3.90 each.

                                               Pen set or Luggage Tag at S$3.90 / box.

                                                Huge Lollipop Note Pad - S$3.90

                    This is my favorite among all - Happy Teacher's Day Card with Sticky Note Pad
                        S$3.90 per card, light for children to bring to school & useful for teacher.

                                                   Cute bookmark at S$1.00 each.
                                        This is best choice for those with tight budget.

From now on, I will be posting more pictures of suitable gifts if found.

Below are the date indicated in the Wikipedia - Teacher's day.
11 countries celebrate a common Teachers' Day on February 28: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, UAE, and Oman.
CountryDate of Teachers' DayNotes
AfghanistanOct 5Schools have a holiday, but students and teachers gather to celebrate at schools with special traditional food, cookies, music and presents for the teachers
AlbaniaMarch 7In 1887, the first secular school which taught lessons in Albanian was opened on this day in the small city of Korçë. All schools had previously functioned under the supervision of the Catholic Church in northern and middle Albania; the Orthodox Church in the south did not allow any Albanian schools.
AlgeriaFebruary 28
ArgentinaSeptember 11To honor the work of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento after he died.
ArmeniaFirst Sunday in October
AustraliaLast Friday in OctoberOn Australia’s celebration of World Teachers’ Day, the NEiTA Foundation and the Australian Scholarships Group (ASG) is proud to announce the national teaching recipients of the ASG Community Merit Awards. World Teachers’ Day was started by UNESCO and is celebrated in more than 100 countries around the world each year. On its 40th anniversary this year, it represents a significant token of the awareness, understanding, and appreciation displayed for the vital contribution that teachers make to education.
AzerbaijanOctober 5Between 1965 and 1994, the first Sunday of October. Since 1994, on October 5, it has coincided with the World Teachers' Day (est. 1994 by UNESCO).
BangladeshOctober 4
BahrainFebruary 28
BelarusFirst Sunday of October
Brunei DarussalamSeptember 23To commemorate the birth date of the 28th ruler of Brunei, Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III, also known as the 'Architect of Modern Brunei' who amongst others had emphasized the importance of education to his subjects by introducing a policy of 'free' education whereby the citizens are charged very nominal fees for attending schools. This policy has now been followed by the current 29th ruler who has since extended the policy further.
BhutanMay 2Established and marked on the birth anniversary of the third King of Bhutan, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, who introduced modern education to the country.
BoliviaJune 6
BrazilOctober 15A decree regulating the elementary schools in Brazil. The celebration gained popularity throughout the country, and October 15 was officially designated Teachers' Day in 1963.
BulgariaOctober 5On 29.09.2006, October 5 was recognised as Teacher's Day by the government.[4]
ChileOctober 16In 1967, September 11 was chosen as "Día del Maestro" ("Teacher's Day"). The date was moved to December 10 in 1975, because on that day in 1945, the Chilean poet Gabriela Mistral received the Nobel Prize. In 1977, the date was renamed to "Día del Profesor" (also "Teacher's Day") and was moved again, to October 16, to honor the founding of the Colegio de Profesores de Chile (Teachers' Association of Chile).[5]
ColombiaMay 15This day marks the appointment of San Juan Bautista de la Salle as the patron of teachers. In 1950, Pope Pius XII granted his approval of La Salle as patron of teachers for championing the causes of modern education. The holy founder understood the education of children as the obligation of all. Usually the schools of his time (1651–1719) only accepted young people studying towards politics or diplomacy. Juan Bautista outlined the principles of free and universal education. That same year in Colombia, the President of the Republic declared that date as Teachers' Day.
ChinaSeptember 10In the People's Republic of China (PRC), there are some activities for students to show their appreciation to teachers, such as presenting gifts, including cards and flowers. In addition, many former students will go back to their old middle schools and high schools to give presents to their old teachers.
Czech RepublicMarch 28The birthday of John Amos Comenius. Czech students nominate the teachers whose approach most motivates and inspires them to the competition Zlatý Ámos (Golden Amos). The coronation of "Golden Amos" take place yearly on March 28.[6][7]
EcuadorApril 13Celebrated on this date in honour of Juan Montalvo, an Ecuadorian teacher who planted the seeds of development in young minds.
EgyptFebruary 28
El SalvadorJune 22Observed as a national holiday.[8][9]
EstoniaOctober 5
GermanyOctober 5
GreeceJanuary 30Derived from the Eastern Orthodox faith when the Three Holy Hierarchs and Ecumenical Teachers (Basil the GreatGregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom) are commemorated.
GuatemalaJune 25A celebration in honour of the teacher Maria Chinchilla who died during a violent riot in protest against the government.
Hong KongSeptember 10Before the 1997, Teachers' Day was on September 28. After the handover to the People's Republic of China, the day was changed to September 10, which is when the PRC celebrates the holiday.
HungaryFirst Sunday of June
IndiaSeptember 5The birthdate, [5 September 1888], of the second President of India, academic philosopher Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. It is considered a "celebration" day, where teachers and students report to school as usual but the usual activities and classes are replaced by activities of celebration, thanks and remembrance. At some schools on this day, the responsibility of teaching is taken up by the senior students to show appreciation for their teachers.
Another day set aside for commemorating teachers in India and Nepal is Guru Purnima, also called 'Ashad sukla purnima'. It typically falls in mid-July.
IndonesiaNovember 25National Teachers' Day is commemorated on the same day as the formation of the Indonesian Teachers' Association, the PGRI. National Teachers' Day is not a holiday, but it is celebrated by having a ceremonial activity in recognition of certain teachers, headmasters, and school staff.
IranMay 2Commemorating the martyrdom of Abulhassan Khan'ali, a teacher who was shot dead in a meeting in front of National Parliament during the Mohammad Rezā Shāh era on May 2, 1961. Later the Islamic Republic government changed it to commemorate the martyrdom of Dr. Morteza Motahhari on May 2, 1979.
IraqMarch 1
JamaicaMay 6Teachers' Day is normally celebrated on May 6 or the first Wednesday in May.[10] In celebration of Teachers' Day, it is common for students and parents to bring teachers gifts. In addition, most schools are closed early (half-day).
JordanFebruary 28
LaosOctober 7
LithuaniaOctober 5Between 1965 and 1994, the first Sunday of October. Since 1994, on October 5, to coincide with the World Teachers' Day (est. 1994 by UNESCO).
LebanonMarch 9Between March 3 and March 9.
LibyaFebruary 28
MalaysiaMay 16This date was chosen because on the same day in 1956, the Federal Legislative Council of the Federation of Malaya endorsed the Razak Report, one of four reports of the Education Committee regarding education in Malaysia. The document, known as the Razak Report after Tun Abdul Razak who was Education Minister at the time, has been the basis of education in Malaysia ever since. Although it is not an official school holiday, celebrations are usually held on May 16, or earlier, if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday.
MexicoMay 15
Republic of MoldovaOctober 5
MongoliaFirst weekend of February
MoroccoFebruary 28
NepalFull moon day of nepali month AshadThe full moon day is also called 'Ashad sukla purnima' and the day usually falls in mid-July. Teacher's day is called "Guru Purnima" in Nepali.
Students pay homage to the teachers, offer them foods and flowers and receive blessings from the teacher. "Guru devo bhava:" a Sanskrit phrase meaning "Teacher is God" is still widely accepted. Teachers are given the highest degree of respect.
NetherlandsOctober 5[11]
New ZealandOctober 29In 2010 teachers were encouraged to march against recent cuts in government funding by marching in Auckland on Sunday 31st.
OmanFebruary 28
PakistanOctober 5It recognizes the importance of teachers and attributes progress to the quality of teachers in Pakistan's Educational System.
PanamaDecember 1To commemorate the birth date of Manuel José Hurtado, who is known as the father of Panamanian education due to his promotion of modern universal education through the establishment of the first public schools and teachers' colleges in what is now known as Panama— then part of Colombia - aiming to break the vicious cycle of ignorance and poverty that afflicted the vast majority of the population. He went on to be named Director-General of Public Instruction of the State of the Isthmus.[12]
ParaguayApril 30
PeruJuly 6During the independence of Perulibertador don José de San Martín founded the first Normal School for Men by means of a resolution passed by Marquis of Torre-Tagle on July 6, 1822.
Many years later, on 1953, the then president Manuel A. Odría decided that Teachers' Day would be commemorated on the 6th of July.[13]
PhilippinesOctober 5By Presidential Proclamation No. 479 [14] to honour more than 500,000 teachers nationwide. However, in the Philippines Teachers' Day is actually celebrated in schools between the months of September and October (mainly elementary and secondary levels). Teachers are presented with orchid corsages by students. Groups of students representing various grade levels perform short skits or song and dance numbers, or read poetry for their teachers in front of fellow schoolmates in school-wide activities. These activities are planned by senior students in the Student Council who coordinate the activities well in advance.
For Filipino-Chinese schools, a program is usually organized by students for teachers on September 27, while September 28, considered as the actual Teachers' Day, is a school holiday where both teachers and students are allowed to rest. September 28 was chosen because it is known as the birthdate of famous Chinese philosopher Confucius.[15]
PolandOctober 14This day is the anniversary of the creation of the Commission of National Education, created in 1773 through the initiative of King Stanisław August Poniatowski
QatarOctober 5
RomaniaOctober 5
RussiaOctober 5Between 1965 and 1994, the first Sunday of October. Since 1994, on October 5, coincides with the World Teachers' Day (est. 1994 by UNESCO).
Saudi ArabiaFebruary 28
SerbiaOctober 5
SingaporeFirst Friday of SeptemberAn official school holiday. Celebrations are normally conducted the day before, where students usually get half a day off. In some schools, students will put on performances to entertain and honour their teachers.
SlovakiaMarch 28Commemorates the birthdate of John Amos Comenius.
South KoreaMay 15 since 1963 in Seoul and 1964 in Chunju CityOriginally it was started by a group of Red Cross youth team members who visited their sick ex-teachers in hospitals. The national celebration ceremony was stopped between 1973 and 1982 but it resumed after that. On the day, teachers are usually presented with carnations by their students, and both enjoy a shorter school day. Ex-students pay their respects to their former teachers by visiting them and giving them a carnation. Many schools now close on Teachers' Day because of the rampant bribery implicit in the expensive gifts often given to teachers. Schools can use the day to have an outing for the teachers.
Sri LankaOctober 6
SpainJanuary 29
SyriaMarch 18[citation needed]
TaiwanSeptember 28Taiwan uses this day to honor teachers' virtues, struggles, and contributions not only to their own students but also to society in general. People often make use of the day to express their gratitude to their teachers, such as paying them a visit or sending them a card. This date was chosen to commemorate the birth of Confucius, believed to be the model master educator in ancient China. In 1939, the Ministry of Education established the national holiday as August 27, the attributed birthday of Confucius.
In 1952, the Executive Yuan changed it to September, stating that it was calculated to be the precise date in the Gregorian calendar. The festival celebration occurs in the temples of Confucius around the island, known as the "Grand Ceremony Dedicated to Confucius" (祭孔大典). The ceremony begins at 6am with drum beats. 54 musicians are dressed in robes with blue belts, and 36 (or 64) dancers dressed in yellow with green belts. They are led by Confucius's chief descendant (currently Kung Tsui-chang) and followed by ceremonial officers. Three animals—the cow, the goat, and the pig—are sacrificed. The hairs plucked from these sacrificed animals are called the Hairs of Wisdom. In addition, local education institutes and civil offices award certain teachers for their excellence and positive influence.
ThailandJanuary 16Adopted as Teachers' Day in Thailand by a resolution of the government on November 21, 1956. The first Teachers' Day was held in 1957. Most Thai schools close for the day to give their teachers a break during the long second term. Many international schools do not, although they may hold celebrations to honor their teaching staff. There are very few public or official commemorations.
TunisiaFebruary 28
TurkeyNovember 24Mustafa Kemal Atatürk thought and stated that "The new generation will be created by teachers." . Atatürk was also considered as the Prime Teacher (TurkishBaşöğretmen), because he adopted a new alphabet for the newly founded Turkish Republic in 1923.
UkraineThe first Sunday of OctoberAt schools across the country, Teacher's Day is celebrated the Friday before the holiday with "concerts" and gatherings, while students usually give their teachers gifts such as flowers and chocolate. On the holiday itself, many teachers celebrate with their families and friends at home or at restaurants or cafes.
United Arab EmiratesFebruary 28
United StatesNational Teacher Day is on Tuesday during Teacher Appreciation Week, which takes place in the first full week of May (May 8, 2012)Students often show appreciation for their teachers with token gifts (giving teachers presents etc.). The National Education Association describes National Teacher Day as "a day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives".[16]
The NEA gives a history of National Teacher Day:[16] The origins of Teacher Day are murky. Around 1944 Wisconsin teacher Ryan Krug began corresponding with political and education leaders about the need for a national day to honor teachers. Woodbridge wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt who in 1953 persuaded the 81st Congress to proclaim a National Teacher Day. NEA along with its Kansas and Indiana state affiliates and the Dodge City (Kan. ) local lobbied Congress to create a national day celebrating teachers. Congress declared March 7, 1980, as National Teacher Day for that year only. NEA and its affiliates continued to observe Teacher Day on the first Tuesday in March until 1985, when the National PTA established Teacher Appreciation Week as the first full week of May. The NEA Representative Assembly then voted to make the Tuesday of that week National Teacher Day.
As of September 7, 1976, September 11 was also adopted as Teachers' Day in the U.S. state of Massachusetts. Currently, Massachusetts sets the first Sunday of June as its own Teachers' Day, annually.
UzbekistanOctober 1
VietnamNovember 20This holiday allows students to express their respect to their teacher. Students begin preparing a week in advance, and many classes usually prepare literature and art to welcome Teachers' Day, while other students prepare foods and flowers for the parties held at their schools. Students usually visit their teachers at their homes to offer flowers and small gifts, or organize trips with their teachers and classmates. Former students also pay respect to their former teachers on this day. The holiday has its origins in a meeting between educators in communist bloc nations in Warsaw in 1957. It was first celebrated in 1958 as the Day of the International Manifest of Educators; in 1982 the day was renamed Vietnamese Educators' Day.
VenezuelaJanuary 15On this day there are no classes and during the week all the teachers are honoured for their support in building the country.
YemenFebruary 28
MauritiusOctober 5